Home>UK News>New investigation ordered into ‘doorstep murder’ of Alistair Wilson
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New investigation ordered into ‘doorstep murder’ of Alistair Wilson

Scotland’s top law officer has ordered a complete re-investigation of the murder of banker Alistair Wilson almost 20 years ago.

The father-of-two was fatally wounded at his home in Nairn, in the Highlands, in what became known as the “doorstep murder”.

His killer has never been caught.

New teams of prosecutors from the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) and officers from Police Scotland will work on a full cold-case investigation.

Mr Wilson, 30, was shot on 28 November 2004 and died from the injuries after a man called at the family home.

He spoke to Mr Wilson’s wife Veronica, who had answered the door, and asked for her husband by name.

When he came downstairs, the killer handed him a blue envelope with the word “Paul” on it.

Mr Wilson went inside briefly and when he returned the man opened fire with a handgun.

Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC said it was a “deeply disturbing” crime.

She said: “There have been strenuous efforts made over many years to resolve this case and a great deal of evidence has been gathered.

“However, I have decided that it is appropriate for all the details of the case to be considered afresh and for further investigations to be made.

“It is my sincere hope that this secures justice for Alistair Wilson’s family and for the wider community who have been affected by this violent crime.”

In December last year, Mr Wilson’s family complained to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (Pirc) about the handling of the police investigation.

Police Scotland and COPFS said at the time they had met the family to discuss the matters raised by them.

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